Unlock the Power of Psychosomatics and Cellular Detox
Learn how to integrate cellular detox, psychosomatic healing, and holistic health practices to balance hormones, cure inflammation, reverse chronic conditions, fight fatigue, and reduce stubborn weight (from the inside out!)
Heal from Within
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More energy
Mental clarity
Balanced hormones
Holistic healing

What You'll Learn

How to Reboot Your Body & Health on a Cellular Level

How To Lose Stubborn Fat That Your Body Clings To (In As Little As 30 Days)

How To Create Mind-Body Harmony with Psychosomatics Practices

Discover the transformative power of cellular detoxing for holistic healing that sheds years off your biological age & reverses chronic health conditions
Practical tips to safely & effectively start a complete cellular detox that balances your body's cellular environment, allowing it to heal from inside out
Optimizing cellular health & gut health to improve energy levels & mental clarity, so you aren't constantly battling against fatigue and mental fog
How to break free from cycles of health fluctuations with groundbreaking approaches that maintaining and optimizing your cellular health long-term
Essential steps for an inner reset that unlock your body's ability to release stubborn fat it's been (quite literally!) holding onto
Hormonal keys that recreate balance within, so your body is finally able to shed fat again and embrace a lighter you
Holistic daily practices that supercharge your metabolism, turning your body into an efficient, fat-melting furnace
How to end the yo-yo diet cycle with sustainable secrets for lasting fat loss, breaking free from the frustrating cycle of weight gain and loss
Powerful psychosomatic techniques designed to resolve the root emotional causes of physical symptoms, facilitating profound and lasting health improvements
Building your body's intuition to accurately identify psychosomatic blocks, so you can create personalized healing strategies that resonate with your unique journey
Techniques to release energy blocks in minutes, to experience immediate shifts in your mental and physical state
How to apply a unique psychosomatic approach to pinpoint actionable steps towards healing in any area of your life, be it career, relationships, health, or personal growth

Join hundreds that have
transformed their health and fitness

with holistic cellular-level healing

My introductory masterclass is for you if:
You are struggling with chronic health fluctuations or unexplained symptoms & are looking for an alternative approach to healing
You want sustainable holistic health practices to reverse the damage done by today's toxin-filled modern life
You feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or depression & want a holistic approach to health and wellness
You are frustrated with conventional medicine's focus on symptoms and want to get to the root cause of your problems
Your Holistic Healing Guide
My 25-year journey with yoga has evolved from practicing and teaching its fundamentals to pioneering in yoga therapy, psycho-technologies, and a holistic yogic lifestyle. My passion now lies in health, detoxification, holistic healing, and deepening the body-mind connection—principles that have guided thousands to wellness under my care.

At the heart of my work is my signature CLEARATHON program, a powerful 30-day journey that's more than just detox. It's a comprehensive program designed to rejuvenate your body and reshape your mindset and habits for a life filled with clarity and vitality.

But where do you start? With this Free Masterclass!

It's the foundation to understanding core principles of psychosomatics and cellular detoxing methods that I teach in THE CLEARATHON and how this journey can dramatically transform your life. This Masterclass is the first step towards aligning your health and spirit, offering a taste of the transformative power waiting in the full CLEARATHON program.

Sign up for my Introductory Masterclass if you are ready to take your health & wellness into your hands once and for all!

Get access to the Heal from Within masterclass and unlock the power of psychosomatics and cellular detox
© 2024, Natalia Fata