Just in 14-days learn to dream and set up your intentions effectively and start manifesting everything that really matters to you. Throw away everything unnecessary - fears, doubts, expectations of others. And start the journey to the life of your dreams.

Start manifesting your dream life.

Get ready to harness the full power of the Universe and tap into your unique manifesting inner source to create a life on YOUR terms!

We all have been born as co-Creators who design and create their own reality. It is programmed in our DNA. Even when we don't think about it at all, we continue creating our life 24x7 through our subconscious - through thoughts, emotions, subconscious behaviors, ancestral programs and traumas, without even hinking about it consciously.

Manifestation is the co-creation of verbal, emotional and mental power. Often a person dreams and continues to wish for, but nothing is happening or it seems impossible to materialize. That is why as per high demand I have designed a 14-day crash-course "Manifestation Decode " (MD). It was created to give you simple understanding, working principles of metaphysics, easy to implement instruments and techniques not only to start manifesting your unique dream life but also recalibrating your mindset and perception of your True Self.

The MD 14-day course is where body work, principles of energy, universal laws, ancient spirituality and meta-cognitive reprogramming are utilized together. This is the ONLY program you will ever need when it comes to work with intentions and manifestation skills effectively.

This course is designed around the lunar calendar so your dreams and intentions grow together with the moon energy. That is why you can take and repeat this course every month and work with new intentions. A special discount of 20% will be offered to all members of the MD course.

if these sound familiar...
  • I want something all the time!
  • I'm tired of wanting and dreaming
  • I really have a desire:
    I want to be rich, happy, meet a prince, have a family….
  • And what's the point then? My dreams seemed like dreams and they only stay like dreams... I don't understand why nothing happens? What to do?
  • And yet still, you have this inner knowing that even though things aren't quite 100% amazing right now, one day they will be.
Be careful what you wish for - we often hear around, right?

Very often we are too busy to stop and think about what we really want. We forgot to hear our inner voice (or inner compass, or gut feeling – as many may call it):

• Why did I decide or didn't decide so?
• What exactly do I need?
• Does it support my needs and values?

Reason #1
Most of the time we operate in our life on a DEFICIT and MISTRUST mode by keeping our focus on the problem solving or avoiding the problem. By doing so, we redirect our energy flow to the past and cut ourselves from the Source (hello exhaustion and depression). This same action is not helping us it makes it worse – it amplifies the source of the problem by feeding it with our own energy coming through our FOCUS.

Reason #2
For example:
> I really want to buy this handbag, but in fact I want to be accepted in society ...
> Or I'm waiting for a gift from men, but in fact I want love and being taken care of.
> And sometimes we want to be successful, like a TV model, and for some reason, having lost weight, we are still not there. Because deep inside we don't want fame, we want safety, being loved and being seen and heard.

Reason #3
The first and the most important step is to connect you with your inner source – your True Self. Then only you can clearly identify, what your true dreams are?

Why is this important – because most of the time we have non-authentic dreams (I call them dreams with secondary benefits).

Let me share with you my SECRET which helped me to manifest many beautiful dreams, and by following which, you can actually make any dream come true.
    If your True Self and your body do not feel safe, no matter how high your vibration is, what rituals you do, all the energy will go towards your protecting and not manifestation.
    You have to be ready to take full responsibility for the outcomes, be honest and clear with yourself why you want to manifest a particular dream. So, no dreams with secondary benefits.
    Details rule, baby! The more details you provide the more precisely the Universe knows what exactly to give you.
How It Works
Create an account
Enter your name, email address, and main preferences
Choose plan
You can choose a rate which would be comfortable for you
Use services anytime
And you will be happy ever after with our super amazing product
Create an account
Enter your name, email address, and main preferences
Create an account
Enter your name, email address, and main preferences
Choose plan
You can choose a rate which would be comfortable for you
Use services anytime
And you will be happy ever after with our super amazing product
Create an account
Enter your name, email address, and main preferences
Step by step
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Introduce yourself and give a clear explanation of the competitive advantage of your services, products, your team, etc. Try to be very precise and describe the advantage in a way that your potential clients can quickly understand it and get interested in getting in contact with you.
1 advantage
Introduce yourself and give a clear explanation of the competitive advantage of your services, products, your team, etc. Try to be very precise and describe the advantage in a way that your potential clients can quickly understand it and get interested in getting in contact with you.
3 advantage
Introduce yourself and give a clear explanation of the competitive advantage of your services, products, your team, etc. Try to be very precise and describe the advantage in a way that your potential clients can quickly understand it and get interested in getting in contact with you.
2 advantage
AED 480 / person
  • 60 days access to the course material
  • 2 live online meetings with Natalia
  • Neuro-activating Meditations
  • Yoga practices
  • Daily rituals to elevate the vibration
  • Daily tasks to develop mindfulness and change mindset
  • Private chat
  • Support of mentors, and a strong environment of like-minded people
  • Additional materials (insiring books, films, etc..)
  • Certificate
Begin your journey
AED 3800 / person
  • 60 days access to the course material
  • 2 live online meetings with Natalia
  • Neuro-activating Meditations
  • Yoga practices
  • Daily rituals to elevate the vibration
  • Daily tasks to develop mindfulness and change mindset
  • Private chat
  • Support of mentors, and a strong environment of like-minded people
  • Additional materials (insiring books, films, etc..)
  • Certificate
  • Premium Chat (only for VIP members)
  • 2 additional VIP group coaching meetings with Natalia Fata
  • 2 personal coaching and self-immersion sessions with Natalia Fata
  • 90 days access to a VIP library of rituals and prcatices
Begin your journey
Dubai, UAE