You are about to meet a woman that could change your life and mindset forever
By transforming and upgrading you on 5 aspects of your life simultaneously.
Decode and heal pain, correct posture and misalignments, cleanse from toxins and parasites, increase stamina, amplify life force
/ Physical
Connect to old and suppressed emotions, learn how to control them, become emotionally intelligent and less reactive
/ Emotional
Change the mindset, increase focus and concentration, control destructive thoughts, restructure old beliefs and programs
/ Mental
Connect to the inner power, self-worth, embrace the life purpose and karmic lessons, strengthen intuition and psychic abilities
/ Spiritual
Radiate with confidence and power, speak out freely, share your passion and uniqueness with the world, improve and heal relationships
/ Social
"Growth, life-changing transformation and holistic healing begins with body and pain decoding, mindset changing and removal of toxic residues in physical, mental and emotional bodies." (NF)
is a holistic healing and decoder who has tools and is certified in P-DTR, MCP coaching, Yoga therapy and Nutrition. She has put many health improving tools all together under one umbrella to create a truly holistic and unprecedented method focusing on the person as a whole system on all levels, rather than treating specific conditions in an isolated manner. Natalia's method addresses your full body, mind, and soul as one piece to fix not only symptoms but also the underlying causes of disease, unbalances, beliefs, programming, energy flow distortions and improve your overall wellness.

This holistic approach is so important, because to truly achieve optimal wellness in the physical, mental, and spiritual sense Natalia looks at her clients as the incredibly unique and multidimensional systems, and this approach helps her to work with the primary causes of health and balance disruption, the apparent and latent.
What you don't express through words you convey through your body. Your body is the keeper of all your physical, mental and emotional memories. It holds an imprint of all your past and present experiences. Natalia's listening skills enable her to understand what you are trying to say beyond the use of words.

She is taking you out of your idle and unproductive comfort zone by introducing disruption in your body, challenging your mindset, reconnecting you with your emotions and bringing in awareness to the parts of you that you have for too long disregarded. With yoga therapy, complimentary therapies and MCP coaching we integrate the body holistically to heal. Interception is the ability to understand your body's inner voice.


By getting in touch with your body, thoughts, programs, core beliefs and emotions you regain a sense of who you are. What is inwardly hidden is outwardly manifested. Starting or increasing physical activities alongside MRT coaching can bring back your memories and connect you back to your senses. When you move with awareness of your inner wisdom, you become able to change and shift your perception of you and your world, hence changing the outcome of how you live and who you would become. What is lying behind your physical body is hidden to the naked eye.

Her insightful approach and method are life-changing, innovative and very effective...
Unlearn old programs, change belief system, upgrade mindset, restore body from pain, balance energy, correct posture, learn how to work with emotions and trigger thoughts, improve strength, flexibility and stamina, and as a result amplify your life!
1-to-1 mentorship
An exclusive 2-month course that provides group couching, personalised program of changing belief system, upgrading mindset, removal of toxic residues in physical, mental and emotional bodies. Learn necessary tools, rituals and instruments to exponentially grow and change your mindset and life!
Exponential Upgrade
Practice Yoga Therapy with Natalia online or offline in group or private.
To become an internationally recognised and Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher join Natalia Fata's 200 RYT yoga teacher trainings.
Yoga Therapy
Physical expression at most of the times are louder than words. Physical aspects of the human organism (be it static pictures or during movement) have always been the translation of language of the body.

Natalia has the ability to see, decode and read into the wisdom of each body and knows that it is inseparable from the mind. By listening carefully to the expressions of your body, mind, emotions and soul, she sees through the invisible, identifies the disruptive patterns, then uses it as an instrument to transform and guide your healing.

Unlock your optimal health and ultimate wellbeing with Natalia's personalised programs

You're about to meet the mentor that could change your life and mindset forever.

This short survey will give you access to scheduling a FREE 20 minute consultation to explore your readiness and compatibility for her ground breaking method called "Exponential Upgrade", a personalized journey and healing, that strategically facilitates real life scenarios & teaches you practical tools for Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening, Embodiment, & Conscious Relating.
Natalia has been a Yoga Therapy teacher and Spiritual Coach for over 15 years, transforming the lives of thousands through global workshops, retreats, webinars, teacher trainings, 1-on-1, group, and couples coaching.

"Only a life lived in the service of others is worth living." While studying, gaining knowledge and developing her skills and practicing work in the fields of Yoga therapy, Nutrition, P-DTR method, regression, and MCP coaching, Natalia gained the ability of serving herself and learned that this is crucial to be able to serve others, as part of her views serving mankind evolution through extraordinary capabilities.

She is blessed with claircognizance and the words of wisdom regarding the natural order of reality and has the capacity to see situations from a different position, with deep insights into the path that one should take in order to heal and align with their passion, purpose, and sense of true self.
Channeling knowledge that flows freely through her words without premeditation or thought, her wisdom originates from her connection to the Source.

She has an extremely developed Clairsentient capability, that allows her to feel the energies of people, places, objects, and situations. she is privileged with these gifts, she spent many years of training to unlock her abilities to tune into the featherlike sensations of the energy field we exist within. She feels waves of energy that communicate a deeper level of vibrational frequency, and that enables her to guide others into a greater sensitivity beyond their previously held limited capacity.

Anyone can develop these skills through purification of the energy body (emotional fluidity), physical body (toxin free), and the mind (pure thoughts and intention).

Words have their place, yet meeting her will prove to inform you better than any detailed description ever could. Book an appointment today and take yourself on a journey of path adjustment and transformational self-discovery.

Please register for a FREE 20-min connecting call
Yoga for the healthy spine
Yin Yoga - Heart, Lungs and Intestines meridians
Reach out if you have any questions or ideas.
Follow us on social media and keep up with our workshops.
Email: admin@nataliafata.com
Whatsapp: +971 52 194 7232